Tuesday, January 4, 2011

NYE in Nashville

We went to Nashville for NYE and met up with some of our friends!! We left Beavercreek friday morning and checked into our hotel at the Renaissance Marriott. Sam's friends that came were Steve and Brian. My friends were Emily, Andrea, Amy, Brittany, Teri, and Beth. We got ready at the hotel and ordered pizza, drank beer and champagne. We went to Cadillac Ranch on Broadway. The weather was okay (not freezing but rainy). It was definitely pouring down rain and thunderstorming on the walk back home. It was great to have Sam, my friends, and his in the same place. There was the usual drama between Beth and Andrea, but all in all everyone had a pretty good time!! The next morning we went to the Corner Pub for lunch and then headed for Evansville. Sam and I hung out with Ashley and Billy that night, we made dinner, played games, and drank Ashley's margaritas! We came back to Dayton for a couple days and then Sam went to San Antonio for his first annual sales meeting for Stryker and I went back to Evansville to work my last 3 days at St. Mary's!! Ring in the New Year with new jobs, new city, and us living together!! Cheers to 2011!! 

Getting ready, Miss Teri did me and Em's hair

setting goals for the night

Teri & Emily

Andi & Britta

pre-gaming at the hotel

Steve & Sam

Brian & Sam

the cab ride to Cadillac Ranch

haha the cab driver, Sam makes friends easily

Sam & Billy playing the Move
The next morning we went to the Corner Pub for lunch and then headed for Evansville. Sam and I hung out with Ashley and Billy that night, we made dinner, played games, and drank Ashley's margaritas! We came back to Dayton for a couple days and then Sam went to San Antonio for his first annual sales meeting for Stryker and I went back to Evansville to work my last 3 days at St. Mary's!! Ring in the New Year with new jobs, new city, and us living together!! Cheers to 2011!!